Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт нь Саудын арабыг цэвэр эрчим хүчний анхаарал хандуулахад хүргэж байна.

Саудын Араб улс ураны нөөцөө ашиглах болон цэвэр эрчим хүчний технологийг ашиглах замаар дэлхийн дулаарлын эсрэг тэмцэлтэд хувь нэмэр оруулахаар зорьж байна.

Saudi Arabia is looking to utilize its uranium reserves and embrace a technology that will deliver clean energy and help in the battle against global warming.

Planning for the establishment of the first nuclear power plant is part of a strategy to transition to clean energy

Kingdom is following IAEA’s three-step “Milestones Approach” to the production of nuclear power

Saudi Arabia’s plans to develop a nuclear energy industry were not hatched overnight or in secret. The reality is that the Kingdom has been slowly, steadily, and responsibly treading the complex regulatory and technical path toward the adoption of peaceful nuclear power for decades.

It is clear that having moved cautiously and prudently, the Kingdom is now ready to embrace a technology that has come of age, in an era when access to clean energy has never been more essential.

The 2020 Guardian article appeared to refer to a survey begun in 2017 by Saudi and Chinese geologists who, working alongside colleagues from the Geological Survey of Finland, carried out a two-year exploration of sites in the Kingdom potentially rich in uranium — sites that were, incidentally, first identified 50 years ago.
